Join Telegram channel

Join Telegram channel to start viewing contents and ads to get coins daily.


Follow on X

Follow Viewscoins on X and submit your username ( Eg: @xxyouridxx) to Telegram Bot


Install MetaMask Wallet

Install Metamask wallet to easily manage your coins.


Telegram Bot

This Telegram bot helps to link your Telegram ID and wallet address to get coins.


Connect Wallet to Uniswap & Trade

Connect your wallet to Uniswap by clicking this link to BUY/SELL Viewscoins With ETH.


Admin Email
Send mails to above email for support.


Telegram Support

Click above link for support in Telegram.


0 Coins Distributed to Viewers

  • July 2024
0 4,000,000,000,000,000

Our top Partner

  • Viewers: 80%
  • Platform Development: 5%
  • Marketing: 5%
  • Founders and Team: 5%
  • : %

Viewscoins are an ERC2O token created on the Base network

  • 1 Symbol: VIEWS
  • 2 Token contract address : 0xD8AC5A262814ef1213c5f88881e70fE9504ea5Dc
  • 3 Network : Base

Our Roadmap

JULY 2024

Launch of Viewscoin

The Viewscoins project started to create a cryptocurrency that would value time spent on the Internet.

Ask Quick Question

No. By watching the content and advertisements on the Telegram channel, you will get coins in your wallet. Advertisers will cover all costs.

Based on the daily actual clicks on content and ads. If an advertisement link gets 1000 clicks, you will get 1000 Viewscoins.

You can share the advertisement links from the Telegram channel with friends and relatives. More views mean more coins. You can also buy from Uniswap Exchange.

It is ultra-low cost, increases user engagement, and drives Website Traffic. Brands and content creators can share links to their landing pages, product collections, or customer reviews on the Telegram channel, directing traffic to specific pages on their websites.

This depends on the strength of the Viewscoin network. As the members grow, advertisers will get more views on their advertisements. The average cost for 1000 views will be $0.1 worth of Viewscoins, which is very cheap.